2) Web Development Articles

A) Web development articles written by me

1) Introduction to SolidJS and Reactive Primitives

SolidJS is a true reactive library that allows you to use JSX for your frontend projects. In this blog post, I'll share my first impressions about the SolidJS UI library and its reactive primitives.

SolidJS and Reactive Primitives - Hashnode

2) Next JS Development within Nx Workspace

In this blog post, I am going to explore the features that NX workspace provides. I will build a simple Next JS web app with Tailwind CSS styling within the Nx workspace.

Exploring the Nx Framework: Next JS Development

3) A Simple AdonisJS 5 and Tailwind Setup

AdonisJS 5 released its stable version. I plan this post to be a tutorial about AdonisJS 5. In this article, I will do the basic setups for the AdonisJS application and integrate it with the Tailwind CSS library.

A Simple AdonisJS 5 and Tailwind Setup - Design & Development